Where is Toby Dorr now?

DOG trainer Toby Dorr shocked the nation after she helped an inmate escape prison in 2006.

After her short-lived love story with John Manard, Dorr found a way to help other women escape emotional traumas, as well as her own.

Where is Toby Dorr now?

Toby Dorr is a dog trainer-turned-motivational-speaker.

After spending 27 months in federal prison for helping convicted felon, John Manard, escape a Kansas correctional facility in a dog crate, the 64-year-old created personal growth programs to help women deal with emotional trauma.

"My story challenges you to confront your fears, boldly evaluate where you are, and courageously change," Dorr writes on her official website.

"I fought hard to heal. I wanted to quit, but here’s an old saying that the strength of a woman’s character is measured by the obstacle that stops her."

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The Unleashed Series aims "to help women in prison rebuild their lives," as per the site.

The program includes two major focuses and six workbooks in an attempt to include a little something for everyone.

According to Insider, Dorr took to writing and filled a journal for every month she was in prison - 27 notebooks in total.

In 2009, she got remarried to her now-husband Chris after her last husband filed for divorce following her charges.

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Why did Toby Dorr go to prison?

In 2006, Dorr - who was known as Toby Young at the time - helped then 27-year-old John Manard escape from Lansing Correctional Facility after they reportedly fell in love.

Manard, who was serving a life term for a deadly 1996 carjacking, was one of the inmates who trained dogs with Dorr.

"He said to me, 'What's going on in your life? Because you seem so upset.' No one else had even asked me, including my husband, you know, how I was doing. I was really struggling with a lot of things," Dorr told Insider.

At the time, she was going through an unhappy marriage and had just recovered from thyroid cancer

Two years after their first encounter, Dorr helped Manard escape by taking $40k from her retirement savings and buying a used truck for $5k, as per the outlet.

The pair were arrested by police after 12 days - marking the end of their short-lived love story.

Dorr spent a total of 27 months in federal prison after pleading guilty to a state charge of aiding and abetting a prisoner's escape and a federal charge of knowingly providing a firearm to a felon, according to NBC News.

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How can I watch the Dateline episode on Dorr?

Curious viewers can tune into NBC to watch Dateline's latest episode chronicling Dorr's story.

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Breakout premieres on October 1, 2022, at 9/8pm central and can be streamed on Peacock.

On July 2, Lifetime adapted her story into the movie, Jailbreak Lovers.
