Joe Pepitone funeral, burial service, pictures, date, time, venue

Joe Pepitone, a 1960s New York Yankees All-Star and Gold Glove first baseman known for his flamboyant attitude, hairpieces, and passion for nightlife, has died at the age of 82.

Pepitone was found dead Monday morning at the home of his daughter, Cara Pepitone, in Kansas City, Missouri, according to BJ Pepitone, the former player’s son

Joe Pepitone’s funeral, burial service, pictures, date, time, venue

Since the famous celebrity just passed on, it is too early to know about his burial details. The family will discuss it and bring out the outcome afterward. Hence, it shall be updated as soon as that is done.

Bill, his son, confirmed his death. He claimed that on Monday morning, his father’s sister, Cara Pepitone, found him dead. His passing was also reported by the Yankees in a statement.

The team said in a statement,

“The Yankees are deeply saddened by the passing of former Yankee Joe Pepitone, whose playful and charismatic personality and on-field contributions made him a favorite of generations of Yankees fans even beyond his years with the team in the 1960s.”

Many people are curious to know Joe Pepitone’s cause of death in light of the recent news. Although the exact cause of death was not immediately known, his son BJ Pepitone said it was likely a heart attack. Joe Pepitone’s Cause of death has left the community inconsolable.
